Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Banner from Pearl

This is one of four banners that were made for me by Pearl of Pearl's Sentimental Journey. Pearl had done a new banner for LeAnn @ Pink Icing On The Cake, I made a comment on LeAnns's post that I really loved her banner and that I wish Pearl could make one for me. Well Pearl saw the comment, and my wish came true. Pearl made for me four lovely new banners, one of which I'm displaying. I will be alternating each banner from time to time, but get this, not only did she give to me four new banners, but my post for today. Thanks Pearl, you're a Jewel!

Oh, I want to add that I'll be out all day and part of the evening. Deb


Rue said...

Pearl did a fantastic job on yours too! LOVE it! :) Isn't she sweet?!

I hope you're having a good time wherever you are today and tonight.

Big hugs,
rue :)

Ruthie said...

Beautiful Banner!
I notice from your previous posts that you like blue - I love blue, also and have it my home! Such a nice soothing color.
So nice to meet you and get aquainted!

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

I love your new banner!! I can't wait ti see the others!! thanks for stopping by! Hope your having a great weekend!!~Wendy

Jan Parrish said...

Great banner, Deb. It fits well with your blog. :)

Stacy said...

Aw that was so sweet of her!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb...
I'm so happy that you like your new banners. It was my pleasure to create them for you, and my honor to call you, Friend.
You and your sweet words and lovely photos make knowing you a joy and visiting your blog a peaceful time.
