Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Lips Shall Praise Thee

Yesterday on our way home from my husbands nephew's house warming, our eyes were allowed to behold this glorious sight. To some this may only be a storm brewing, but to me it's proof of our magnificent God. Thank you Jesus, for I am in awe at your majesty.

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained ; What is man, that thou are mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:3-4

I will praise thee, O Lord with my whole heart, I will show forth all thy marvelous works.
Psalm 9:1

O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvelous things: His right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. Psalm 98:1


PAT said...

This is a beautiful post, Deb.

I'm trying to visit around the blogs, today. I don't have a laptop, so no computer for the next few days, while we're in the big city. That is unless I can convince our oldest granddaughter to be my room mate and bring along her laptop. She has stayed with me, just about everytime her G'pa has been hospitalized, since she was a tiny little girl.

Hope you've had a beautiful Sunday!

Kathi said...

This was a beautful post Debbie. I love the Scripture and pictures. Thank you.


Technonana said...

Hi Deb... I have a child that was born in Birmingham too!! Love your pictures and your blog, I found you at Ruthie's place!! Great to meet you!!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Another great post. I always feel so good inside after reading your blog. The pictures are so beautiful!

Stacy said...

Love the pictures, and the scriptures were very fitting =) The storm and trees remind me of living in Washington... even though i know thats not where your from xD I really enjoy weather like that, too bad im in the desert currently ;)

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Deb, This was a beautiful posting. I love the picture, scripture and your words. We are blessed!!

I love your new banner! It's perfect!! Hugs, Terrie

Rue said...

Good Morning Deb :)

Beautiful post! I love it when the skies look like that :)


Mrs. B said...

I love this post! I love when the sky looks so dramatic like that! It really is awe inspiring. We don't get a lot of dramatic skies here in California, so it's something I can really enjoy when we travel!

Picket said...

Hello friend...beautiful post and I love the new banner! Thank you so much for coming by today and for the sweet comment..I have truly been blessed in this life..hope you have had a beautiful day dear friend and that all is well with you and yours..take care!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Deb, that's exactly how I have to handle my sweet hubby. If I talk it over with him. It just doesn't happen. If I start, he might.. not like it at first. But, he always comes around. And then it's like it was his idea. lol And usually he gets in the mood and makes suggestions for more project. Men, you just have to love.. them!!
Hugs, Terrie

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Deb, Just took a tour of your blog and I have enjoyed my visit! Your home is amazing inside and out! :) Outside...The beds, yard, and porch is so neat! I love your new porch chair cushions! And your living & dining room is beautiful! All of your accessories just fit together perfectly! I adored the sconce above the angel figurines in your bathroom! ....and the inspirational aspect of your blog is so insightful and uplifting! :)

I guess that about covers my first visit to your blog! LOL! Stop in and visit if you get a chance! :) ~Rhonda

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post, Deb...

I can almost hear the storm and smell the rain. Hope all's been well in your world.


Anonymous said...

I really really love your site/blog :)

Carolyn said...

Great Pics!
