Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Saturday I bought landscape lights for the front of the house, after putting them out yesterday I needed two extras. I remembered when I bought them there was only one box left. Fearing that it would be gone when I got there and having to drive far to the next closest store, I grabbed my husband and off we went .

The sky looked as if the bottom would fall out any momment.

But we continued on, I was on a mission.

Finally, were here! We hurried inside.

Wow it was still there, and with many more. I asked my husband if he thought we needed more but he said not. I loaded it into the basket and pressed on. Right to the garden center.

They had beutiful bedding plants and baskets.

But what I'm really drawn to is, May Night Salvia, the purple ones. I love these and I can use a few more. I got three plants but will probably split each one into three.

This morning after dropping Kandace off at school, I stopped at Lowes and bought Red Salvia and a 8" pot of Dwarf Coreopsis, the yellow plant. My background now has a picture of a Dwarf Coreopsis from one of my front beds. I will split it also, maybe into four. I got the Begonias at Wal-Mart, while doing a little grocery shopping this morning.

And I also picked up this Geranium for my aunts birthday.

This is a picture of one of my landscape lights they came with stakes and hangers, so I staked some and hung some. I will show all after my planting is done, I can't wait until the plants mature. What? Of course that's where I'll be the rest the day. Happy Planting. Deb