Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our Previous Addition To The Family

I introduced my son Kevin and his family few days ago, now an introductory of my son Keith is in order. This is my son Keith and his wife Shamara, they had a love at first sight relationship, they married February 14, this year, after only six months of knowing each other.

Shamara is a lovely person, and has fit into the family well, and we welcome her with open arms. It takes time to know a person and I know that no one is perfect, Lord I pray that as they learn what each others imperfections are that they are able to hold on to the love that drew them to one another. In fact if you will, let's all pray that their love for each other continues, and that they really try hard to make for a happy life. They look beautiful together.


Ruthie said...

What a beautiful couple. You must be very proud of your family.
Have a wonderful day, my friend.

Carolyn said...

What a handsome couple!


Kindra-At Home With K said...

Looks like a great couple! Do all your kids' names start with K? I debated on doing that with my boys. I had a "K" name picked out and everything but "Taran" won. :) Have a great day my friend.

sheila from life @ #17 said...

a prayer said :)

...they are a lovely couple...and you're so right! those first years of learning one another can be difficult...and trying, lol...

Kathi said...

They are a beautiful couple. You are so blessed Deb. I will pray that their love continues to grow. One thing I wish I had had at the beginning was the Power of a Praying Husband and Wife books. The Lord still found ways to cement our marriage and I praise Him for it. Enjoy your day, oh the lamp is very pretty too.


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Deb, What a beautiful couple. They are on my pray list! You must be proud!! Hugs, Terrie

Rue said...

Hi Deb :)

Honey, I sent you an email back. It might have gone to your trash email. Check and see and let me know, okay?? I'll send it again, if you didn't get it. I asked for pics of your house too.

They are a gorgeous couple!! I wish them all the luck :)

off to read what I've missed...

Lisa (aka) French said...

Always a pleasure to have you drop in! Your family is gorgeous!!! I know RMS can be tough but there are still a lot of good people there and if all the good ones leave then what??? I say the good ones will prevail~~~just my humble opinion to never give up!! French;)

Katy said...

They are such a beautiful couple Deb!

Pearl said...

Hi Deb... So nice to meet your handsome son and his wife! I enjoyed their love at first sight story... I met my Husband on a blind date and 6 weeks later we were engaged.. LOL ...within 9 months of our first date, we were married... this month we will celebrate our 19th anniversary! My prayers for a loving marriage for your son are being said... God bless.


your friend... Pearl

PAT said...

Deb, they are beautiful!

J and I met and fell in love, at first sight too! That was 26 years ago, this fall. We married a little less than a year later. Silver anniversary coming up this fall!

Have a wonderful weekend! Pat

Life on the Edge said...

I have to give seconds and thirds to all who say what a beautiful couple! He chose well. I'll be in there sending out good wishes to them also!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

I will join you in praying for this precious young couple. It is so wonderful that they have a praying mom to support them and love them unconditionally.

They are just lovely!
