Sunday, May 4, 2008


This is one of my favorite scriptures, it reads...

A son honors his father,
and a servant his master.
Then if I am a father,
where is my honor?
And if I am a master,
Where is my respect?
Says the Lord of host to you.
Malachi 1:6

When I first read this scripture as a new Christian (born again). It was then that I realized the true meaning of Father. God is the father, the father of all fathers, the master of all masters. There is none greater than He, and His name commands honor, respect and reverence. He says in his word, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, Proverbs 1:7; and that, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven; Matthew 18:3-4. By His words I was compelled to humble myself seeking the hand and guidance of the Lord and giving glory, honor, and praise unto His name. HALLELUJAH! JESUS IS LORD! BLESS HIS HOLY NAME! FOR HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED! HALLELUJAH!


Ruthie said...

I visited your blog earlier, but couln't get into comments or new posts on my computer. So had to clear out the "cookies" on my computer to get in.
So nice to read your comments about my blog - thankyou so much. I feel the same connection with you, a fellow sister in Christ.

Katy said...

GREAT job with your exercising Deb!!! That is fantastic!!! I am on day 5 of my healthier lifestyle and doing well!!! WOOHOO!!!! I am feeling great!
Keep up the great job and i am so glad to have you as a weightloss buddy! :)

Kathi said...

This is a beautiful post Deb. Thank you for sharing this. The picture is so pretty too. Kathi

Anonymous said...

This is just so beautiful... thanks for sharing.


Farmhouse Blessings said...

I am praising the Lord with you dear sister!

With joy,