Monday, January 5, 2009

No I'm Not! Yes I Am! But I Try!

But maybe I am, my husband sure thinks so. So maybe it's time I did take a break and try to re-group. Find a better way to manage my time wheres I can still visit with you guys and keep my home up and running. Let me just be frank, there have been times when the only spot in the house that was presentable was the room that I was sharing in my post. LOL!!! Now there's definitely something wrong with that picture. LOL!!!! Anyway, I TRY to stay away some, but, it's so hard. I want to know what each and everyone of you are doing, you're my friends. Addiction? Still I'm not convinced, but we'll see.

Well I've made my list and it goes something like this....

Definately spend more time with my husband, instead of sneaking away to the computer

Yes! I've got to make time for a few fireworks!

A little me time wouldn't hurt, I spent some of my weekend watching old movies that I love. It was quiet time for me and I was able to hang on every word. Good Will Hunting was one of them, I just love that movie! I told you I'm a sucker for happy endings.

Maybe a little experimenting is in order, I'm getting tired of the same ole everything!

Who knows maybe I'll come up with a few things to share, but I digress.

Maybe a little exploring, my husband wants to get away and do things and I've become such a home body.

So I'll be cleaning up my act, adding a few new scenes, but keeping up with the classics

Catching up on some reading

Getting out with family and friends, I rarely visit anyone. I have an elderly Aunt I need to check on, grand kids I need to spend more time with. All of my free time has been spent in front of the computer. So I have to get things worked out, and become well rounded in this New Year! LOL!!! But well rounded in a good way so....

Maybe get into a little exercising again, so I can look like Raxx. I really need your secrets girl LOL!!!! ( I hope you tell me that you've just never had a weight problem). Nikki, I doubt if even your weight loss plan will work for me, but it's on my list because I really don't want to end up like the lady in the next picture.

I love my dog!

So I'm getting rid of these

Going to bed on time so that my husband can

Get rid of these, (he can't sleep without me)!

And spending a little more time on me, because I've noticed that I bear a striking resemblance to this guy LOL!!!!

But not for long!!! LOL!!!!

Friends, I'm breaking for a few weeks! But I'll be back! Hopefully a little more organized than before. I've really enjoyed my time with all of you this past year, and I can't wait to get back to continue our friendship in the new year! Take Care!


Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I hear ya! I don't typically make a resolution unless i really plan on keeping it. This year I resolve to spend my time productively. That's it...just accomplish something w/ my time. I haven't been doing a whole lot of that lately. :o(

Sharon said...

I know just what you mean..........but in the winter when it is cold outside it is a place to sit and visit my blogging friends. Please take your time, rest read and travel but just remember I will be here waiting for your return.........not every day but once in a while. I so enjoy your blog but we must share you with your sweet husband...........Hugs Sharon K

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Deb dont go! Ok, adult tantrum is over, but, but, but not quite! I understand and I hear you, but you went and posted this funny and enteratining post and then decide to leave? I know it's for a while and I am trying to be all mature here, but (sigh).

You know, your house doesent have to be perfect, just one or two rooms at a time! you know, the ones you show us! lol!! that is sooo me!

Blogging is a time-pit I know it, I resolved to blog once a day at night when the kids are asleep, but the computer sucks you in!

Do your thing, girl, but dont stay away too long, ok? in fact one day away is just fine!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

I know what you mean about OVER computer time! I need to prioritize a little more than being with my fellow computer. As I find my house and family and friends a little neglected at times...Enjoy your time away to regroup. Can't wait to see ya back! Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Deb, you're preaching to the choir! I know exactly what you mean! Blogging is addicting and I am trying to control myself, too! My Mother has just broken her arm and I'm having to care for her and that is helping me stay away a bit, but I love Blogland so!
Take care and just blog when you can, that's what I keep telling myself! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Twice as Nice said...

I know I feel the same way. It hard to stay away. I say okay you can get on but just for a few minutes and when I look up it's been almost an hour. I love it!! Have a great day and don't stay away too long WE WOULD MISS YA :o)

Missy Wertz said...

Oh my word! I hope you do not look too much like MJ. You will send children running and screaming in the streets! He was good looking when he was young, but something happened. Slip of the knife or something. EEEuuuuwwwyyyy!

We do not want you looking like that! Or red. IKWYM. I did 2 weeks of blogging every other day and that helped a lot. A whole lot.

Make up a plan and visit when you can. Make God and that hubby and family first.

We will still be here.

Lisa (aka) French said...

Ah I hear you Deb it's hard keeping up with it all especially since these people feel like family but I understand! I have had to curb myself lately and it isn't easy to do! Hugs and take care of you;) French

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I know what you mean, it's hard to balance everything. But home and family always come first. Have a wonderful break!


Nnairda's said...

I understand!

I enjoyed Good Will Hunting too. One of my favorite movies.

Enjoy your break and keep the fireworks going!!!


PAT said...

Will miss you Deb, but understand the need to break away for!

All the best in your break and 2009!

The Raggedy Girl said...

Have a nice break. Get some rest.
Roberta Anne

clnmike said...

Havent forgot about you, havent had time to roll down there yet.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Deb I will miss you girl but so understand the time it takes to blog and keep up with our home and family..which I have let slip abit take care and get some rest and meet your DH again winks..hugs and smiles Gloria

nikkicrumpet said...

I wish I had your self control...because I should probably be doing the same thing. It's 1:19 and I'm still up blogging...and I have to work tomorrow! I hope you have a really nice break. We will miss you...but I totally understand the need. I may take a break of my own eventually...if I can ever pry my butt out of this chair!

Life on the Edge said...

I need to get out and do more things this year too! I surely identify.

But oh my goodness woman, you do NOT look like Michael Jackson! lol I am not sure he even qualifies as human any more with all the work he has had done to his face!

Just wanted to let you know that I FINALLY got around to posting about the giveaway I won from you in November! I am so sorry it took me so long!

Looking forward to your return to blogland!


Jan Parrish said...

Have a nice rest but don't stay gone forever, we'll miss you too much!

Deb said...

Kady, thanks for saying that I don't look like Micheal Jackson but if I don't take more time with myself I will. You know at my age I have to keep up with removal of a few chin hairs. (Awful words, chin hairs!) Now if I don't handle them as I should, I will look like him. LOL!!!! Well I thought I'd check in for a minute, I don't want to completely cut myself off from you guys, and I'll get over this evening to check out your post. But I have a little business to tend this morning and if I surf just one blog I'll be in this chair for another three hours. LOL!!! Love Yall!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Deb, I am so with you on this post! My posts and blog visits have been sporadic, yet my home is still not "put back together" from Christmas! Spreading myself too thin, and the only thing I really want to do is blog! :( LOL! I think I will have to take a short break too! Hoping that your break is successful and you will be back soon! Take care! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Kathi said...

I'm with ya sister. I've got the same addiction, which I had with drawl from a month ago. I'm on a slower pace now and doing pretty good. My kids accuse me of looking like Michael J. too. They say my eye liner is about the same, my hair nearly the same, and my nose is just about the same size. Sheesh, I'd rather have someone else to be compared with.

Have a nice week Deb. Hugs, Kathi

Sharon said...

Deb, I am having a give a way at the cottage so please come over to sign in............I miss you all ready. Sharon K

Nnairda's said...

Deb said: "You know at my age I have to keep up with removal of a few chin hairs. (Awful words, chin hairs!)"

You are so funny! Thanks for the congrats. We definitely feel blessed. Now I'll be outnumbered 3 to 1. Oh my!


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Deb, I hear ya!! But, I ain't given it up. I will miss you!!We'll be here when you get back.
Hugs, Terrie

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Deb, what a fun post! All those cute pictures! I know you're serious though. It does tend to take over our lives. Have a good break, but don't forget us. Come back soon. laurie

Picket said...

Hey Deb..girl I know how you feel..I would love to be on here more but I just can't let everything else in my life go like meet so many beautiful caring souls and you want to stay in touch with them but you just can't keep up with it everyday....I don't think no one you go rest and clean house & just keep the porch light on so we'll know where to find you! ♥

Connie said...

Scary thought, chick!! Whooooaaaa... Do they have "bloggers/computers anonymous"???? I think I qualify for sure.......

Tardevil said...

Hilarious! I can SOOOOOOO RELATE! I love that Macy Gray song! I hate the way when you leave the blog page to make a comment, you lose the music. Have a great day! I know you won't be able to stay away - because I can't! LOL!

Tardevil said...

One more thing, you will NEV-A look like Michael Jackson!!! Bless his heart, why did he go & screw up his looks so bad? I'm leaving you an award at my place. Stop by when you decide to play with us again, and pick it up. I didn't see it on your sidebar!

Rue said...

I completely understand Deb. I'm supposed to be packing, but instead I'm sitting on here LOL

Have fun with your husband and go out in the world. That way you'll be able to blog about it ;)


Bo said...

Hi dear Deb...I was off the web for 5 or 6 days & had awful withdrawal...but I did get something accomplished around the house plus I spent time with my grandson...We'll be here when you can sneak a peek! Hugs, ;-) Bo

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb... I sure do hope 'n pray that your blogging break is peaceful and positive for you and your dear family... smooch on those grandbabies alot and cut the rug a time or two with your husband and enjoy your wonderful life! I'll continue to keep you close in prayer... Please stop by for a visit when you can... I have some awards for you! God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Chanda said...

Enjoy your time away Deb, maybe you and hubby and sneak away for a little romantic getaway.

Sweetie said...

Please don't stay away too long. We will all be impatiently waiting for your return. You are such a sweetheart.

Miss Janice said...

Oh girl, I hear you too! I know exactly what you mean...we are all addicted and sometimes we just need to stop and say "okay time for me"! Take that rest and I look forward to visiting you when you return!

Bridget said...

Deb, You will be missed in Blogland but the real world needs you and I think that there are many of us that should take a cue from you on this!
Thank you for stopping by and wishing me a happy birthday. It was a very good day.
Happy Almost Birthday to you!
Hugs, Bridget

Kathleen Ellis said...

Ahhhh...I can identify a bit, too! It is easy to pass away HOURS rather than minutes blogging! I am trying to figure out how to budget my time so I can get to everyone, visit, comment and still get everything else done!
There is a way...I'm sure of it!
Don't go away'll think of something to balance it must! :-)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Hey Deb!!

Enjoy your blogging break. I could so relate to the first illistration, well ot me exactly....and I cannot beleive I am confessing this but my husband carry's his laptop with him to the bathroom and stays in there for hours. Gross.

Yes! I am a Bama girl! Thanks for dropping by Bloggeritaville today! I love new friends! Maybe we will run into one another someitme. I didnt see where you are from? Me-Helena.

Ruthie said...

Hang in there and a Happy New Year to you, Deb. Take a break, but try to keep up a little blogging. You are our friend.
Hugs. Ruthie

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Deb I sent you an email re: the sorrel two days ago, sorry about the late notice but my internet was down for two whole days!

If you cant find it, I can send it again.

The Muse said...

Good for you!!!! :) LOL

The Liberty Belle said...

Best wishes for meeting all your goals.

I enjoy your blog. Blessings to you and yours.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Well, because you wrote me (thank you) I see you didn't go cold-turkey! I am on the computer a lot also, but I do try to limit it some!!! Thanks for your comment on my tablescape. Have a calm break and see you soon!

Missy Wertz said...

OH NOOOO! Deb, say it ain't so!!! Marshells is one of my favorite stores.... Boo Hoo! There is TJ's and Home Goods across the street. (lip poking out) I know that they are all owned by the same people, but I still like Marshells.... sniff... Thanks for telling me about the sale. :D

Missy Wertz said...

Oh, Trussville is so far away. Or as long as DD is still in school it is. When she is at school, I am teaching a fitness class, going to a Bible Study, quick eran or whhat ever has to be done before 3. Then afternoons are getting supper ready, homework, dance classes, piano classes, etc.

Sometimes I get to enjoy some time shopping. There is a thrift store in Pelham that is just great. I love stopping there on my way to Old time Pottery barn. I think it is called Special Treasures. You aught to go by there some time.

Tues, I usually watch NCSI and Mentalist. I am tuckered out now. I am teaching two classes for a friend in the morning. Her DH is having heart tests done and asked me to fill in for her.

Looking forward to seeing photos of your next table scape!

KKJD1 said...

I sure have missed you! My puter died so I could not check in with anyone. But glad to here I was not the only one away! Hope to hear from you soon! Blessings, karen

Adriann said...

365 Project is something that scrappers and photographers are doing all over where they take a picture everyday to document their everyday lives. I'm having so much fun doing it!

How was Idol's first night?

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Deb, thanks for stopping by to see my tablescape. Hope you are getting a lot done. We miss you. laurie

KKJD1 said...

I just wanted to let you know Im having a valentines giveaway come by when you get a chance. Blessings, Karen

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Deb I saw your pic, but nowhere to comment!! Congratulations on your new President!!

God Bless President Obama and God bless your beautiful country!!

Anonymous said...

Deb!!!!!!!! What a glorious MOST amazing day!!!

Donna Marie

Kathleen Ellis said...

Hi Deb~ I'm so glad I saw your comment on Gloria's post ...I've been thinking about you and was about to go back to find your blog...hope you're doing well...we miss you!
Just wanted you to know I've been thinking about you!
Have a happy weekend!