Friday, October 17, 2008

Dont Laugh This Is Only A Test!

Don't laugh this is only a test to see if my new camera will load a video onto blogger and it probably won't be a post long as I plan to delete it.

Sorry I had to delete the video of myself speaking with my lovely Southern Accent, and I'm sorry a lot of you missed it. I'm going to read my manual to see if changing the pixel settings will keep the video from slowing down my computer. I'm going to try again soon!


squawmama said...

Hi, I wanted to visit your blog since we just kinda chatted on Raxx's blog and I am so happy that I did. I loved your blog. We fulltime in an RV and travel all over the USA. I just love meeting new people and making new blogging buddies… If you feel like it, please come and visit me... While you’re there please sign my guestbook too… Thanks… If you don't mind I would like to add you to my favorites. Your video came out awesome... it was really cute..


Deb said...

Thanks! But it just confirmed for me that I'm no actress. I kinda look and sound like Aunt Bea when she did the commercial for that furniture polish. LOL!!!

Connie said...

That was cute, sweetpea!!! You have a southern accent!! I knew you were from Alabama but it just didn't hit me you sounded "southern", honey chile!! LOL How could you ever let the kids know you were mad with that sweet voice, hmmmmmm??!!?!
Smooches, girlfriend,

Deb said...

I'm going to have to delete it, it has my computer running slow as molasses and I got a message from flash player that the movie could cause my computer to stall completely. Deb

Connie said...

Who or what is Raxx?????

Bo said...

Hey Deb...I loved hearing you talk on the video and you're cute as a bug! BTW, may I borrow something from Olivia to wear to the funeral? What funeral, you ask...
go over to Blogge'ville to find out! ;-) Bo

Life on the Edge said...

Awww Deb! I hope you don't delete this because it was so much fun to see you and hear what you sound like!

Ruthie said...

Deb - that was so cute. I loved hearing your greeting and hearing your wonderful accent!
I would hope you didn't have to delet it...but if it's going to crash your computer, you better do it. Older computers don't support all the updated technology - so I've heard from my daughter. Mine is old, too.

Lisa (aka) French said...

Listen to that southern belle~~way to go for having the guts to do it I still can't get the courage to even try;) yeahhhh Deb;) French

Deb said...

Funny! You know you really don't hear your own accent. I remember when I was about 19 and I moved to Buffalo New York. I got a job downtown main street at Big L Discount Drugs. There were these two girls that work somewhere downtown that would come to the store just to hear me talk. I didn't hear the accent then and I don't hear it now. LOL!!!!

Jan Parrish said...

Love your test. I always blog in my PJ's so probably not good to video it. I should run a test too. :)

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Everyone should do a video like that! How fun to see you "live" and hear your voice. :) You have a great weekend yourself!!

nikkicrumpet said...

You are so dang cute. You crack me up...and don't delete the video! I love the accent!

Sharon said...

Hi Deb-Thanks for making me smile first thing this morning-you look and sound really cute! Its a shame the computer is running slow, as it seemed to be a success!

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Deb the video was PERFECT! What type of camera did you buy? Ooooh your accent is so great! Really southern!

Sorry you have to take it off, because I was looking foward to even more videos from you!

Twice as Nice said...

Talk about a Southern sweetie! Love your accent. It worked great on my computer.

Picket said...

Ohhhhh lookie here at you girl...I loved it and I loved hearing your sweet voice!!! Girl you are learning all kinds of modern stuff and I am loving that Marvin Gaye music you got going on this morning! lol Have a great weekend yourself sweetie!

PAT said...

I can't wait to see your video and hear your lovely southern accent, Deb.

Missy Wertz said...

Sorry I missed it, but I bet your southern accent sounds a lot like mine...

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb... I sure am sorry that I missed seeing/hearing your video... but, if it could harm/slow down your computer, you were wise to remove it... I'm just so impressed with your tech-knowledge!

Thank you for your kind words about Mocha... she is doing a bit better! How is your lil Mini-Poo? And, how are you doing? I am so behind in my blogging... off to finish reading yours! God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Sharon said...

Ilike your this is just a test.............Just found you and love your blog. The new kitchen looks so warm and inviting, you did a wonderful job. Come and visit when you have a minute.

KKJD1 said...

Wow that was a little scary I have never liked test and that word just makes me quiver! Glad it was not for me. lol Now whats wrong with Aunt Bea? I just loved
Hope you have a great week. Blessings, Karen

Attorneymom said...

Deb, I am back. LOL. Colin Powell forced me out of retirement.

Attorneymom said...

Sidebar: I luvs your new kitchen.

Picket said...

Deb you are starting to worry me girl....are you alright? I sure hope so sweetie...Happy Halloween girl!

kari and kijsa said...

Have a safe and happy Halloween!
kari & kijsa

Kathi said...

Hey Deb, I can't wait to hear your sweet southern voice. Happy Monday to you. Kathi

Picket said...

Morning girl!!!! Just checking on you..I sure do miss you girl...hope you are getting everything done and that all is well on your side of the mountain today!

Anonymous said...

Girl.. I am so proud and happy I can not see straight!

How does it feel??


Kindra-At Home With K said...

I'm sure getting Deb withdrawal...hope to see you post soon! Thank you so much for commenting on my political post. :) A couple comments were kind of nasty...oh well, that's what makes America so great that we can voice our opinion. Now we can move on with Obama and the change he brings.

Bo said...

Hi Deb...You are missed!! Don't you love us anymore???...LOL and I guess you've read "Desperate Housewives" has been put on hiatus.
Seriously, just sending you a little blog love... ;-) Bo

KKJD1 said...

thanks for coming by. i try to ck in here once a day i sure am missing your post! hopee all is well and hope to see you posting again soon. blessings, karen

Picket said...

Hey Deb...thanks for coming by girl...hope you do try the recipe..tell your hubby you can't call it spaghetti...there is no garlic or oregano or tomatoe sauce in this! lol lol have a great week girl.