Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This Message Is For My Prank Caller

This is for the person that was responsible for the prank call made to me this evening.

1. I don't play those games and I don't know of any person that I would do that to, joking or not.

2. My cell phone number is personal to me and I only give it to people that I feel are near and dear to me. I never would think that anyone of those persons would give my number out to someone for malicious purposes, joking or not.

3. I try to be fun and kind to all but, I have to draw the line somewhere. You better hope that I never find out which one of you did this, because I will be reluctant to ever trust you again.

4. If you enjoy my blog, just enjoy it. Don't think of ways to use it for meanness.

5. Now you go, have a nice dinner and be very pleased with yourself. I will not pursue this issue any further because I don't even want to know which one of you did this, but, know that I don't enjoy pranks and absolutely have no sense of humor when it comes to this kind of thing.



Connie said...

My sweet Deb, what in the world happened??? I'm clueless...... Be careful, sweetpea......

PAT said...

I am so sorry to hear about this Deb! I hope this person doesn't continue with these pranks.

DeNiece Barnes said...

I will pray that the lord would stop these prank calls you are a dear and sweet lady, and who ever is during this to you, should be ashame of themselves, you and your blog have during nothing but good for me, I love reading your wonderful blog.

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Do you have caller i.d.? I would be reluctant to be a prank phone caller with traced calls and caller i.d. Sorry you had to go through that.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Oh Deb, What happened? Did someone contact you through blogging? That is scary! Please let us know as a warning if so! Be careful, sweetie!

~Big hugs, Rhonda

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Deb I'm sorry some idiot made you so upset, are you sure it was someone from blogland?

I hope he/she does not bother you after this, and please dont let it get to you.


Melanie said...

Wow ~ that is AWFUL!!! I am sorry that you went through something like that!!

Life on the Edge said...

Sorry to hear that someone pulled something like this on you. What makes you think it was someone from blogland? Just curious as it makes me wonder how someone would come across your number.

I don't have any patience with prank phone calls either. If someone doesn't identify themselves, I hang up. A best friend's hubby used to pull that on me all the time and it was so funny when I hung up on him! He didn't think I would! He didn't do it again though. His wife tried to tell him I didn't find it funny.


Bo said...

What has gotten into people these days? I certainly hope it wasn't someone you know and that the perp randomly dialed your number...
Hugs, Bo

Anonymous said...

Goodness Deb, This is crazy. I hope to God it was not anyone from blogland. Who would have access anyway? I cant imagine anyone bothering any of us blog dolls...you!

I am so sorry that this happened to you.


PS.... Listen up Prankster... if you are a blogger and I know you... dont waste your time on my blog! You are not welcomed!


Anonymous said...

Geezz... I meant especially you!

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

Hope you get this figured out Deb, sorry you had to go through that. I pray you get no more. Wendy

Kathi said...

Oh Deb, I am sorry this happened to you. I think you handled it very well. You stated things in a very mature and right to the point kind of way. I hope that post took care of it and it never happens again. Hugs, Kathi

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

What in the world happened?? I don't understand why poeple have to be so.. childish. Or was it a child?? I'd get to the bottom of this one. Hugs, Terrie