Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Not Fake ~ But ~ Artificial Plants

I'll start in the den, I have added a Peony bloom to an existing fake I mean artificial plant that I like. The plant has the garden look that I love. The little gold jar I got at Walgreens as Fall decorations. It was 6.99 and get a second half price. I bought two. They have a candle inside but I'm sad to say that they don't smell very good. Seems like they would have smelled like Pumpkin Pie or something but they smell like that long time ago soap that I hated called, Cashmere Bouquet. Does anybody remember that terrible soap? It was right up there in my mind with another product I hated, Tussy deodorant.

My Artificial fern in my monkey planter, I 'm okay with this too. It's a small planter and wouldn't support the root system of a live fern, so I think artificial is in order here.

The little greenery in this pot, I'm sure hurts no one. I have no direct sunlight in my kitchen, because my screened porch it right off from it, so I don't get the sun needed for real plants. So that's legitimate reason enough for me. See there are reasons we use them, not just because we're fake plant junkies.

I love this orchid, I tried growing a live one once and failed, so this one is fine and think it's perfect for this corner. So it's here because I love them but can't grow them. Good huh?

This was actually a candle round, but I took it apart and place it here to hide the crack between the frame and shelf. It serves it's purpose well. Oh! I have started to remove the wall paper! That's why I've been sort of missing these days, I'll still try and do my Fashion Friday post, but I'll be out of town this weekend.

Greenery in the dining room, I think it adds coziness and that really works for me because I also love the outdoors feel, which is what I was going for. All I added as Fall decoration here are the Pilgrims. The plant that's lower on the left is real, but the taller tree you'll see in the picture below is artificial.

This is a picture I took a while back. Some things you see here are longer here anymore. In this picture it shows the beverage cart in the corner better, it has artificial flowers and the table in the back still has the greenery from Christmas, but the plant up front to the right is real.

I really don't think I have too many, just enough to add a little softness or fullness to the rooms, that's all. Also this picture shows when I had the clock that I now have in the den. I change things around a lot. Below I'll show what's in the dining room now taking the place of the clock.

This is what's in the dinning room now. This camera is killing me! I just don't have time to go back to try and get a clearer picture this one will have to do. I'd planned on getting one as a Christmas gift but, I will have to get a new one before Christmas because I can't take anymore. Does anyone have any inexpensive suggestions?


Bo said...
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Bo said...

Hi Deb...hey, I'm with you on using ARTIFICIAL plants in our homes. If they look real and we do need the color and softness in places, why not? Your DR chandelier looks fabulous!
;-) Bo
P.S. I had to delete my first comment...misspelled ARTIFICIAL and the grammar czar might have gottn after me...LOL

Bo said...

oops..left the "e" out of gotten!

Yankee Ridge Primitives said...


I LOVE your dining room. It looks SO GOOD with the candelier all decorated like that. You have an eye for that as well:)

I also LOVE your header picture.

Good job girlie!!

Connie said...

Deb, my little sweet chick, they're called "faux.......FAUX"!!! LOL Makes them sound so much classier!! LOL I'm actually sitting here laughing my head off!! I do the SAME thing, chick!!! I can't keep anything alive more than 15 minutes. They see me coming in the nursery and start squeeeeeealing!!!! I'm starting to get a complex and hoping the nurserymen don't ask me to stay away!! I absolutely LOVE your dining room. It DOES look like a garden!!

Ruthie said...

I think your artificial plants are great! I have artificial plants in my home also - because of my hubby's allergies and because we are gone off and on and can't take care of real ones properly.
Have a great day. Stop by my post to enter my 100th post Give-away.:)

sheila from life @ #17 said...

you know, we all do what works for us :)

...I'm going to get myself some fake/faux/artifical cyclamen (white ones) when i run across some that look natural...

Tress said...

Thanks for the tour Deb-your house is always beautiful to me and I am a fan of the greenery as well! Have a grea weekend away!

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb... I enjoyed seeing your beautiful home and all of your faux plants. Personally, I don't see what the big fuss is all about if someone does not use/display a real live plant! I cannot have real plants/flowers because my cats chew them to shreds, or worse... eat them! Anyway, I say You Go Girl... it ALL looks fabulous!

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and sweet messages while I was away... ~hugs~ ... it meant alot to me, knowing that I was in your prayers. We are one big blessed group of bloggers, I think!

I went back and read your posts that I missed... Loved 'em! Such fun to see everything that had been going on! Hope you're having a wonderful day... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Christie said...

Hey Deb! I saw your name on some posts and are you Deb from RMS?! I think you are. Oh girl.... I love your blog. Your dining area and everything is so pretty. I will be back to explore your blog more real soon. Hope you have a great weeekend!

Blogger said...

Hi Deb,

I think everything looks wonderful...I absolutely love your dining room! And your color choices are so warm, I love it!!!

Bella :)

Raxx - A day in the life said...

As I always say your house is soo beautiful! The 'faux' plants dont look overdone or gaudy, they fit in nicely.

Love the wall hanging that's in the DR now.

Mrs. B said...

Hi Deb! They all look very nice! I especially like that peony! I like fake, I mean "artificial" plants too because I always manage to kill the real things!

PAT said...

I like your faux plants, Deb! I love your dining room!

I put some faux flowers on the back porch and front door today.

Looking forward to your fashion post!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I love your dining room! The chandelier is fabulous!! I have faux orchids too. I had one (given to me) and I'm pretty good with plants, but apparently not orchids!


Jan Parrish said...

Deb -
Love the outdoor feel to the dinning room. Great decor.

I spend about 45 min a week watering my plants. I've given some away and my MIL keeps starting more.

Anonymous said...


Your artifical plants look lovely!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the diningroom!!!!!!!!


Sue said...

love love your dinning room---and the greenery (fake) I also use the green (fake) stuff.


Kathi said...

Oh if I only had as much style and taste as you have in your baby pinky. Love everything. I must comment on your adorable table and matching pot; wish I had 'em, but I'm happy for you. Also, I love your dining room; it's divine. Kathi

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Deb, I love your faux plants. I use them, too!! I am so happy that we don't have greenery police here in bloggland. I sure didn't care for them at RMS. Funny the greenery police never posted rooms of their own. I have noticed the designers on HGTV have started using some faux plants again. Isn't it funny!! lol
Hugs, Terrie

nikkicrumpet said...

I love your dining room. It feels like a garden cafe! I bet food even tastes better in that room!!!

Kris said...

Hello Deb, I was blog-hopping this morning and came across your blog via Connie's. Love your dining room. You have a lovely home. It's not to overdone, everything blends well together. Very soothing and relaxing. Well done.

Have a great day!


Zarebski said...
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