Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm Hosting a Fashion Show!

I'm going to host a Fashion Show! I got the idea yesterday morning as I was on my way to my neighborhood Peebles Department Store. I was looking for a nice dress, nothing to dressy, just something with a casual feel. Then I thought how fun would it be to have a Fashion Show. Everyone could pick a catorgory of attire, then take a picture in that outfit or outfits.
This is my own clothes. I didn't think I looked too bad until I got a look in the dressing room mirror. It was sort of like being on "What Not To Wear". I love that show, and I've tried to pick up a few pointers but, I don't think I'm there yet. Looking at this picture maybe I could have chosen a different top but... Oh well, here I am.
This little dress I kinda really like. I would try a different shoe, maybe something thin and strappy with a slightly higher heel. I'm really not posing, I had to tilt my head to keep the glare of the flash from hiding my face.

I really loved the colors of this one but, it fit a little snug. They had a larger size I just didn't go back out to get it because the noise that my camera was making when it flashed got me to feeling a little nervous. I could hear ladies in dressing rooms on each side of me and I kept wondering " What Were They Thinking"?. Well Peebles was kinda limited on their styles and I didn't see a whole lot that I wanted to try. So for the fashion show next week I will have to go some place that has a variety of clothing. This is similar to the Bathroom Diva's that Shelia over at Note Songs is host of. Next week, I too, will join the Bathroom Divas! LOL!!!!
Anyways, you can choose from any or all categories or one category each week and start a "Fashion Friday" if you like.

Business Casual
Evening Wear.

The Fashion Show will be held next Friday the 29th of August, and to all that would like to participate, let me know in your comment and I'll set up a link to you from my post. Let's Have Fun! And remember, "No Clothing Will Be Harmed" in the making of this show, and who knows, the stores may even make a few sales. LOL!!!

I couldn't leave the store without looking around for other things to share. This was some lovely items with Roosters.

These items were nautical theme dinnerware.

These were nautical theme decorations, I loved the Lake, Swim, and Boats signs. There was also a large sign that said Beach.

This silly duck caught my eye too!

For all my Prim gals, they had plenty for you. At 40% off even!

This red sign reads, Celebrate Family * Friends * Traditions. Well that's all from my shopping trip, and I hope to see you guys at the Fashion Show!.

Last but not least, two awards from my good friend Tammy, at Country Girl At Home. I love visiting with Tammy, she is a very talented lady, she decorates her home in the warmth of country. She shares the her love of family, friends, and life. Thank you so much Tammy for thinking of me. I am blessed to have you as a friend. Deb


Connie said...

You look fantastic, sweet chickadee.......what gorgeous gams ya got!!! Woooohooooo.
Smoochies ;-)

Carolyn said...

What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Deb! I loved your Fashion Show! I am cracking up here at the thought of your camara snapping away. (Loudly)hahahahhaha I can only imagine what others were thinking! LOL.


This was a great idea!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

A fashion show, what a great idea! I wish I could nominate myself for What Not To Wear. I need some help!!

I like both the dresses you picked. But that first one looks fab!!

Love the decor department. I bet you can guess what my favorite section would be. :)

Did you find my award for you? It was on the August 18th post! You're one of my faves! Have a great weekend, Deb!

Yankee Ridge Primitives said...

I just LOVE your blog, Ive been here for an hour:) You look fantastic in the 1st dress.

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb... When your blog opened up and I saw the front of the Peebles store, I had to smile... You see, that is where I had my first job, ever! I was just 16 years old and my parents were best friends with the Manager and his wife... sooo, Mom talked him into giving me my first job! I worked for Peebles until I graduated High School and left town for College.

I really loved your Fashion Show and thought you looked wonderful! I can only imagine what the ladies in the other dressing rooms were thinking... heheheee... Your idea is great and I hope alot of the ladies join you in the fun! I won't be able to, due to my health, but I will be able to look at all of the blogs and enjoy the fun that way...

Congratulations on all of your awesome awards, Deb! That is always such a terrific feeling, when others recognize your talents and your heart ... you're well deserving of such!

I hope your weekend will be a beautiful one and that you'll be able to do all that your heart desires! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Lisa (aka) French said...

Love your pics and what A cool idea! I pick dress #2 you look smoking hot in that one;) French

Kathi said...

Deb, I don't know how much you've lost on your diet, but you are looking VERY good!! Congratulations on looking great and for your award. Your fashion show sounds so fun. Hugs, Kathi

Missy Wertz said...

Hey Deb! Thanks for stopping by and saying "Hi!" and commenting on my teapots. My grandma used to like sweet tea in the afternoons. She would only let me have it on Sundays. (Mama's rule...)

Do you still live in the B'ham area? We aught to get together sometime.

Where is there a Peebles around here? Love the fashion show!

Chanda said...

Hi Deb, It was so good to hear from you. That fashion show sounds like alot of fun.
You and my parents are the only ones on earth ,(besides my hubby) that knows my secret. Have you figured it out yet. It was something we talked about about 2 weeks ago. Something that I asipired to do with my life. Yep, I'm gonna do it. In fact I already have, I just haven't told anyone yet. I will after this wekend. I will be traveling back and forth so much taking care of my parents, that now just seemed like the time was right. I feel 10,000 pounds lighter. I have been wanting this for a few years now. Woo HOO I am so happy.
By the way, you are a very pretty lady and I think you model those clothes well. You are pretty from your hair to your footies.
Have you had any luck with the lemon ice cream yet. I noticed at wally world, they had a ben and jerrys lemon ice cream. It may be good, I didn't try it.
See ya later,

Anonymous said...

Count me in Girlfriend!


(I sure hope my flash isn't too loud!) LOL

PAT said...

Deb you are looking fabulous! Wow!

I'll be pretty busy, next week when my friend is here and then we'll leave for the lake. So I think I better not commit to the fashion show. It sure sounds like fun. I'll be back to visit everyone's fashion show.

Have a great weekend.

Rue said...

Hi Deb :)

I love that 1st dress on you!! I will have to enjoy watching the others in the fashion show until I lose a little more weight. LOL

I've never heard of the store!


Deb said...

Thanks for the comments everybody but, I still can't get in those dresses that I posted. Deb :O(

Life on the Edge said...

This looks like so much fun! You are more brave than me to be snapping pics in the dressing room, lol. So do we have to take our pics in stores? Or can we take pics at home in outfits we already have? If I can do it at home, then count me in!


Deb said...

Kady~ sure you can model something that you already have and at home. Deb

Life on the Edge said...

I had to laugh at your comment on my pink nightgowns and not wanting your teenage daughter to think there was someting up if you wore something fancy to bed. I agree that kids don't really need to know about mom and dad's private nighttime life, but it brought back a funny memory.

One night my then-husband and I wanted to have some "romantic" time and our bedroom was on the other side of the wall behind the couch. My daughter was watching TV and I kept telling her to go to bed and she just wouldn't. Finally she whined, "but I'm not tired, why do I have to go to bed?" In my frustration, I said, "because your dad and I want to have sex and we don't want you to hear!" Such a look of horror and disgust swept across her face and she literally ran up those steps to her room saying, "OMG! Gross!!!" Teeheehee! Served her right, lol.


Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Deb, You look so pretty! Love the green outfit! I love the nautical duck you showed. I was very tempted to get him for the lake they mark down the summer stuff, he may come home with me just yet! LOL!

You are so brave to take pictures ANYWHERE! LOLOL!

Hugs, Rhonda :)

Rose of Sharon said...

What a cute idea! I am not sure I will be able to participate, but I will check back to see what other people are showing. I love that store with all the awesome rooster stuff.....very cute!

Hugs, Sharon

Don said...

Too funny @ no clothing will be harmed.

Good luck on the fashion show, Deb. I wish you the best. I see you are all geared up for it, judging from the mini-fashion show that you have already partaken in.

Don said...

Oh, and congratulations on the award. I'm thinking you deserve them because you offer a great blog.

Picket said...

Morning Deb!!! Oh lordy..first Pickle with her bathroom camera and now you with your dressing room camera! lol Ohhhh I love that green outfit on it looked good on you!...I didn't think it looked to you some of them Barbie doll size panythose and squeeze your little self in them and that'll take care of that! lol Hope you have a great week girl!

Katy said...

I think you look great and i LOVE that first dress you tried on!!! it looks beautiful on you!!! :)

JoAnne said...

Hi Deb,

I love the green dress - it looked very nice on you. BTW - I never commented on your hair doo a couple of posts back - I really like it. It is very attractive on you. But, I don't know about you but I can never get my hair to do what the hairdresser does! LOL

And, your dog grooming story cracked me up. Thanks, I could use a good laugh. How are you doing these days? I know I haven't been posting much but I think about you often.

Smiles, JoAnne

Picket said...

Morning girl....thanks for coming by and taking a look at my window! lol lol You ask about a slideshow on a post....girl that was my problem when I was asking you how to do a slideshow! lol I never could get it to my side bar..IT KEPT GOING TO MY POST! LOL LOL When you are in photobucket and you make your slide you just click share and the screen comes up..on the left click bloggers and then tpye in your blog ID thingy and click on your blog name and then send it to blog and it will show up right then on you blog as a post..then just go customize and edit and put it back as a draft until you are ready for why couldn't the side bar situation have been that easy?!!!!! lol lol Have a great day girl...we are going to mama & daddy's today...I got a chocolate cake in the fridge and we're having spaghetti & garlic toast! Yum Yum!!!!! lol lol (Oh Deb, you have got to try that chocolate peanut butter cake that is in this issue of Taste of the South,pg is so good and I just used a store bought yellow cake mix for the inside...I'm gonna try that Italian cream cake that is on the cover next!)lol

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Deb, You look beautiful!! I love the dresses!! Hugs, Terrie

Mrs. B said...

Hi Deb! You look great in those outfits! And you're so brave to snap pictures in the dressing room like that!

Your fashion show sounds fun. I wouldn't mind participating if I could do shoes instead of clothes. Would that be okay?

Picket said...

Oh you sweet Toot, you!!!!! I just got home from mama & daddy's and Bill went out front to check the mail..but he rang the I looked out the door and he was grinning ear to ear and pointing down at the porch...I looked down and there was the big naturally I squealed! lol Then I grabbed it and it had my name on it and it was from YOU!!!!!! So I double squealed..ran in the house sit it on the counter and ran to get my camera...I knew it was gonna be good! lol Bill was laughing and hollered to me, " don't have to take a picture of everything for he computer!" lol lol (course I forgive his 'blasphamy' he just doesn't know all about blogland yet! lol) he helped me open it and when I saw it girl I teared up...oh you little sneak...asking me questions like you were looking for that pattern...Oh girl I love it...I love it! I have the set of the casseroles with the lids and I have the round mixing bowls but I don't have any like this I can start looking for the others to match this one!!! Oh girl it just fits right in here at Picketville...and to know that it once lived in the home of someone I love dearly..oh my word!!!!! Thank you Deb...That just made my day!!!!

Jan Parrish said...

Did you get them all? I'll have my fashion show up on Friday morning. Thanks for hosting this. What fun.

Jan Parrish said...

Please visit my blog and consider posting the slide show of Baby Jake to remind everyone to pray.

Blogger said...

You are too cute, taking pics of yourself in the dressing room:)

I love that red sign and that American Flag barn star. What a fun store, I don't have one of those, either!!!

I am in Wallpaper Hell. On one side of my kitchen, they wallpapered over wallpaper. Why oh why???? In fact, in some spots they wallpaper over 2 layers of wallpaper...seems they changed their minds halfway through the project. It's such a mess.

I am so glad though that this is the last wallpaper project in my house...if I would have done this room first, I would have been scared to tackle any of the other wallpaper in the house. The wallpaper in our dining room will have to do...and the one in the basement is grasscloth, so we are just going to paint that one.

Never, ever again will I buy a house that has wallpaper in it, this house had soooo much :(


nikkicrumpet said...

What a cute idea!!! And I do love that first looks GOOOOOOD on you!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I found you via Miss Connie's! I'm the new blog on the block. I enjoyed going through your past post . Your lil pup is soooo adorable! I'll be back to see your fashion show. Thanks for sharing your pics.
Have a *Sweet Evening*!