Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Is Finally Here

I love spring. The signs are beginning to show, like this windchime I bought years ago. It was meant to be a flower pot but, because I was hanging it high, it was small, and I thought of tired arms, it would just be a chime.
To my surprise and pleasure, it became a home to a family of birds. I watched this couple build their nest and settle in. A lot of work went into preparing this home, and a lot of care to their young. It was funny that everytime she came home with food the dinner bell would ring.
Their home has fallen into disrepair. All the chimes have fallen to one side. Unfortunately everytime I think about repairing it, it's spring again and the process of moving in has begun. Maybe I could repair it but, I have this fear that while reaching for it a bird will fly out and give me a heart attack. Oh well, maybe next year, I hope you all are enjoying the signs of spring. Deb


bj said...

Hi, Deb...oh, yes, I am enjoying the first signs of spring, too. Working in the yard can be a hard, dirty, sweaty job but....I just love it! I love getting things all ready to start looking really pretty, with flowers, green grass old porch swing!
hugs, bj

Edna said...

I wanted to call you but I decided that you would like gettting a response on the blog.
I think its a really good beginning and it is interesting so it keeps your attention. I would probaly be afraid to be so open but maybe I'll try it. I'm trying to get motivated to make some changes in my own life and maybe this will be somewhere to start. I knew you liked country music but I am surprised that all your choices are country.
Keep up the good work and I'll look in again.

Rue said...

I kind of like it as is... a birdhouse :)


Psst... the header is perfect ;)

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

I am so excited spring has finally arrived!!! We went out today and saw that we have buds coming up where we planted our tulip bulbs!! I can't wait!!! welcome to blogland I am new as well!!! Take care and God Bless!~Wendy